Friday, January 13, 2006

Spleen Juice

How a vacation can change perspectives, This is a journal entry from one of our favorite journal writers of the 21st century. She doesn’t follow the typical lifestyle and provides interesting insight into a perspective not immured in the stereotypical mindset of her times.

Euroswydd, Reiki Clown and Mort

An interesting change happened to me over vacation. I lost my spleen. No I don’t mean to say that I had an operation, I’m referring to the fact that I’m not as inclined as I once was to write stinging commentary regarding the insufferable—as I see it—inept, handling of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as perpetrated by those functioning—I use the term loosely—in what is purported to be the most important administrative offices in the United States, oh excuse me…the world. Yup, I just don’t seem to be able to work up the amount of energy needed to spout off witticisms regarding such atrocities as the possibility of Judge Alito spending the rest of his life in the judiciary seated on the Supreme Court, further sealing this country’s fate—or put another way, its reentry into the Dark Ages.
Interestingly enough the word spleen when used in the literary rather than organic sense brings to mind thoughts of anger, venom and the like. The spleen—when housed in a human body—is actually an important component in the battle to keep things in humming along effectively. As a member of the lymphatic system it cleans and restores as a member of the literary community it alludes to things of a malevolent nature.
It’s not that I’m any less perturbed by the events as played out before me on both my TV and computer screen it’s just that I’m not sure anymore if harping on it all will make any appreciable difference in the outcome. Perhaps those who espouse the concept of prayer are correct. A concept that I actually do believe in by the way.
It has been bandied about of late, and I believe Federal dollars will soon be appropriated to fund a scientific study of this phenomenon, that when people pray—and the more the better the results—what they pray for is more likely than not to come about. In other words if a bunch of people are all thinking the same thing and putting their energies of mind and spirit towards a common goal, very often that goal is achieved.
Given this concept I can’t help but wonder if it’s wise, for those of us appalled at the path this country is charging down, to be granting it so much of our time and energy? Shouldn’t we be emulating the organic spleen, cleaning and restoring?
Of course venting can also be such a healthy pursuit…