Friday, February 03, 2006

Puritannical Resurrections

I read this Editorial in The Underground Sentinel, a newspaper published in the Northeastern United States during the early years of the 21st Century. I leave you to read it and come to your own conclusions.
It's all nothing more than a matter of choice,

Choice seems to be the hot potato of our culture these days. Now choice to me has always been a fairly straightforward proposition. When I’ve needed to express an opinion or decide on one idea or another I’ve researched all the information available then chosen that which I’ve found to be the most efficacious. In retrospect some of my choices have turned out to be less than inspired but never in my wildest nightmare has it ever occurred to me—until recently that is--that my government would presume to monitor, judge then squelch the expression of those choices.
The other day I was at a red light, patiently (yeh right) awaiting the green. A bumper sticker on the car ahead proclaimed that “choosy mothers choose life”. So, one asks oneself--is this woman Pro Choice or Pro Life? I tend to think Pro Life but the sticker isn’t really clear. She does seem to be advocating the concept of choice, the supposition being that any mother worthy of that position would choose life. So…if she is such an advocate of choice then what’s the problem? Pro Choice doesn’t advocate abortion, it advocates a principle at the very crux of why people came to this country before it was a country. Freedom of choice. Those who subscribe to the Pro Life agenda might want to consider that they are going against the very principles put forth by our founding fathers.
On the positive side of choice squelching I foresee an expanding of the Federal coffers in the future. This won’t come from taxes but from the cost of procurring the licenses that will be necessary to obtain before being able transcribe words onto T-shirts. Without this type of licensing more and more T-shirt wearers can expect to be arrested for what their chests reveal about their true choice of beliefs. To date there have been many such arrests and a continuation could lead to, among other things, overcrowding in the jails. Clearly those making the T-shirts will have to be monitored.
Choosing to face the realities of the world can be daunting. I’m the first to admit to a sometimes overwhelming desire to emulate the ostrich and “stick my head in the sand”. Wouldn’t it be easier—I sometimes tell myself—to not buck the tide, just go along with the flow, let whoever wants to put all that effort in do it and let them have their way.
Then it occurs to me that if I allow myself to become a bit of complacent ooze on my chair I’ll have joined the ranks of the undistinguished, irrevocably giving into the tyrannical depravity of repression. How many World Wars have been fought to keep just such an eventuality from occurring?