Thursday, January 18, 2007

Deadly Confusion

We thought this commentary might bring a smile to the readers face in spite of the seriousness of the situation. This perspective was brought about by what has been historical categorized as the Bush Years of Fanatical Pandemonium.


Euroswydd, Reiki Clowne and Mort

Definitions clarifying the intrinsic characteristics of food vary from the extremely convoluted and scientific to the simplistic version I will quote here, “food is any substance eaten to provide nutritional support”. A recent pass through US Customs and this definition have helped clarify a baffling situation. Why do so many US citizens continue to ingest products blatantly lacking in nutritional value in spite of reams of elucidating literature geared to correcting their wayward habits?

Boarding the plane in France for my return to the States I was handed a customs card to fill out with the stern admonition that if not filled out perfectly US BORDER OFFICIALS WOULD REFUSE IT! One of the many questions asked if any food was being brought back into the country. Not having any I dutifully marked the box next to the negative.

Ten or so long hours later I broached the US passport counter. A stern faced, blue uniformed border inspector glared at my passport, me, then after tapping information into his computer asked if I was bringing any food into the country. I again replied no (keep in mind this is the second negative on this subject) then without pausing for breath he asked if I was bringing in any fruit, vegetables or meat! Too exhausted to hide my shock at having to deal with an official both illiterate and deaf I painstakingly reiterated that I harbored and I quote, “no food of any kind”.

Mulling it over later it occurred to me that I’d stumbled into the explanation for the destructive eating habits of many in the United States. The answer is that the vast majority are confused as to what a food product is. If fruits, vegetables and meats aren’t deemed food—as clearly demonstrated by a Federal official and guardian of our precious borders—then whatever this vast majority is consuming for nutritional purposes is something else. In spite of the national preoccupation with a “proper” diet there is clearly confusion regarding what’s a food source and what’s not.

Our flora and fauna have suffered due to the innocent introduction of nonnative life forms from other worldly regions. Extreme care should be taken to keep further outbreaks from occurring but categorizing fruits, vegetables and meats as something other than food? Won’t this perpetuate worldwide chaos? What to eat, what not to eat, what to transport, what not to? Just imagine the possible worldwide, calamitous ramifications.