Friday, July 29, 2005

The Enigma of Values

We are curious about the Humans preoccupation with “value” or what they term valuable(s). Valuables are, of course, those things without which living entities feel insecure. This insecurity manifests in a variety of ways and valuables can be material, ephemeral or even invisible to the naked eye. While inconsequential in our native habitation we nevertheless honor the Humans need to place value on objects. To wit our appearing in these forms-Euroswydd, Mort and Reiki Clown-which we take on because of the high “value” or strong, positive emotional ties to them.
What then about the all pervasive and quite volatile value system employed by humans during the time period of our observances? Why is a child’s attachment to a fluffy donkey deemed of lesser importance than an adult’s attachment to a gift bestowed by a loved one, does the material used have some sort of meaning? They both engender feelings of love and increase those of security and comfort so then why the disparity in “value”?
How to explain the monetary value set on an antique-some might just call it “old”-chaise lounge? Please don’t misunderstand us, we find encouragement in the Humans desire to hold onto their history, we just question the relevancy of the “value” attributed to collectible items. If a famous artist painted a terrible portrait why does that bring a higher price at auction, than a well executed, lively rendition by an artist of lesser standing? Of course the Forum knows the surface why…when enough people of standing-usually financial standing-deem that so and so and such and such have been found worthy, the rest of the flock shuffles obediently behind wishing for a piece of the notable pie.
Monetary and societal value regimes are, to quote a very human phrase, “where it’s at”. Finding this preoccupation with such inconsequential, unimportant factors highly illogical we are quite puzzled at the importance placed on them.
After the attacks on the United States dubbed 911, their administration felt qualified to place monetary value on human life. We have yet to understand the mathematical equations used to do that however we do note that citizens of the US whether restored or not seem to bring more at auction-common phraseology of the times- than humans of the same age and gender citizens of other developed countries. A puzzling phenomenon since Americans, as they call themselves, even thought they only inhabit a portion of North America, originated in these other countries.
Specific living location, dubbed “neighborhoods” equate with ascertaining an individuals overall worth. Judgments are routinely made as to whether an individual is “worthwhile” or not based on home address as opposed to personal habits and regimes.
Power is assigned based on place of birth, address of domicile, monetary largess, and profession. Assumptions are made about value based on stereotypical value guidelines whether they are, in the grand scheme of things, important or not.
A thoroughly puzzling mode of behavior developed not as with the indigenous tribes to help promote the peaceful longevity of the group but very detrimental, individualistic behavior whose end result can only be the implosion forecast by our future seers.