Monday, May 22, 2006

Fertilizing the Seeds of Discernment

Just a little edifying ranting and raving by a woman living in the early 21st century.
Peace be with You,
Euroswydd, Reiki Clown and Mort

As an officially age appropriate member of the ‘have it all generation’ whose growth in the 60’s and 70’s has matured into the fondly touted category of aging hippie/baby boomer, I’ll not give up no matter how many governmental agencies tap my various phones—land and cell, both a survival MUST in the 21st century—read my e-mails or whose presumed discriminating astuteness qualifies for supervisory rights to every facet of my life.

I hear the sighs all around—there she goes again--as per usual I have to be—some would say—difficult. Why not accept the guiding forces that so clearly wish to relieve me of such burdens as freedom of the press, freedom of thought and speech, a discriminating vote, the right to privacy, and hope for a better tomorrow. What’s to be gained from critically thinking, asking why, demanding accountability, rocking the boat? So what if they sell the National Park Lands, ostensibly to help school districts in need of money, an admirable, tear jerking cause aimed at gaining public support to perpetrate a travesty. Really take in what’s being proposed here…selling National Park Lands to the general public…those sacrosanct acreages put in trust for our generation, our children’s generation and so on. Perhaps the moneys for new school buildings and teachers might be more equitably raised if Congress decided to live as their constituents do, without reliable and/or realistic cost of living wage increases.

First our ethical, environmentally conscientious President called for lowering the environmental standards refineries must adhere to, stating that this would precipitate a fall in gas prices—I’m sure the oil companies will put those added profits wherever they’ve been putting their other profits and I can vouch for the fact that it’s not been in either the stockholders or the general public’s pockets--now he’s proposing selling off our National Forests.

Moving on to another idealistic hot potato, Roe vs. Wade continues to be in jeopardy and the U.S. Senate will soon be debating whether to create a constitutional amendment banning gay/lesbian marriage. Since these controversies are based largely on religious doctrine clarifying for devotees lifestyle do’s and don’ts how then is the spending of taxpayer dollars debating these subjects justified? Separation of Church and State that selectively invoked virtue of United States law for some inexplicable reason doesn’t hold sway with these issues.

On the flip side of the coin as recently as last month the Florida legislature voted to do away with a scholarship program whose moneys enabled disabled children to attend schools set up to provide for their needs, something the public schools weren’t able or willing to do. Since many of these private schools equipped to help children with dyslexia, ADHD and other learning issues are parochial the ethics of Church vs. State were brought to bear and those children now deprived of the necessary specialized educational techniques have an elevated chance of winding up in jail and/or on welfare.

Speaking of public assistance, according to the media jobs are plentiful for this year’s college graduates who are viewed on the news happily flipping tasseled caps skyward before marching off to destinies filled with optimism. For those who’ve already put in their time the future looks remarkably bleaker as they face life bereft of their well-earned pensions.

Perhaps a little less attention to who gets the most votes on ‘Idol’ and a bit more on who gets voted into public office…oh what am I thinking…this is America. And for those of you not in the hurricane affected areas…the season starts June 1st. I wonder if there are contingency plans enabling those troops patrolling the Southern borders, keeping citizens safe from those who do the jobs that no American is willing to do, to give aid to those in need when the next Category 4 or 5 devastates.